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Old 08-23-2012, 06:48 PM
LVIT2BVR LVIT2BVR is offline
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Originally Posted by mmglobal View Post
Beave, it's good that your surgery was from the back. The anterior approach is still 'virgin'. That gives you more options for things like ADR.

Was L3-4 substantially compromised before your January surgery? Do you know how you blew it out? I would assume that your activity level was still quite low following the fusion.


"My, what a nice dress you are wearing Mrs. Cleaver"
L3/L4 looked normal before surgery, but the Doctor said if it looked like it does now back then he would have fused l3/L4 as well. I did not do anything that would have caused a shift. One day I could no longer bend to the right and began having testicular pain. I have noticed a lot more "popping" around the surgery area. My PT even commented on the popping while doing some soft tissue work on my back. The pain is getting worse despite 2 epidural shots in the past month. Back to the doctor next week to see what can be done.
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