Hi Linda,
I just wanted to say one quick thing, depending on where you live doctors are not always available 24/7 on the phone. I uterine cancer 10 years ago, and after the surgery my lymph nodes in my groin where swollen to about 2"-2.5". Of course it happened on the weekend so I went to the ER. The ER doctor said he could not call my Dr, sent me away and told me to call my Dr on Monday. When I called on Monday they had me n the Dr's office in 1 hour, admitted in the hospital in 2 and was there for over a week on I'VE antibiotics. I think that this type of situation was a combination of where I live, Canada, and an incompetent ER . The 2 other situations where I went to the ER in the past couple years I was lucky and had a good ER Dr, however they did not call my doctor before/during treating me. I had to inform my dr that I went, so I think that the availability of your Dr, and probably policy in contacting them, is dependant on where you live.