08-08-2012, 12:51 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 2
ADR not for everyone
Originally Posted by jamie5136
Wow, same surgery, same doctor, same age and still pain.... mine is sitting pain and some leg pain and only getting worse. From what I see on these forums, the ADR is certainly not for everyone. I am now being told I need 1-3 fusions, which would delete my whole surgery with Dr. B. I should have just gotten a fusion from day one and saved all of that money. I was never told why my discs sunk, nothing... they began to sink right away, but they never caught it and now want more money to fix it! So, they want me to go more broke, etc. Any normal human being would be sad beyond belief and angry.
What has Dr. B told you... but, I have been told it is 3 months to get a call from him. This is not fair. I hope that these ADR's are approved here in the states so people can get care in the states and address issues immediately.
Do you have subsidence? How are your x-rays?
Could just be post surgery pain, but I am no expert. Have you had tests in your legs to test function? Any injections in your back? MRI's, Cat Scans? I don't think you are supposed to wear that brace for 5 months, or at least this is what I was told.
I am sorry you are going through this. Many days I wish a meteor would fall out of the sky and konk me on the head... my days are consumed with my back/sitting pain. My family is so fabulous and my boyfriend is incredible.... so, that is good, but my boyfriend wants to get married, but why marry a cripple? This pain does a major number on one's self esteem, especially if you work, are used to working and rely on your salary to live.... I was going to get my PhD, but now I can barely sit and type and do regular work from home.
You can call me at any time, but I am not a doctor, I just had the same exact surgery as you with the same doctor, so I might have some insight.
Good luck and hang in there!
Had ADR done by Dr. Jung at Beta Klinik in 2010, but I am still in same pain, some times, worse! My hard earned $ GONE! Fusion? Might have to go that dreaded route!