Hey EO,
I made it thru my foot surgery on Thurs and they must have used a ton of long acting blocks on the right great toe (bunionectomy) as it didn't hurt the at all until today~ well now it's kicking in big time! Also because I have a condition called Lymphedema in the right leg my leg is swelling in response to trauma and faulty lymph valves that do not function well.
I'm actually having a great deal more thoracic pain than lumbar because of my position resting in bed. I have been having some increased thoracic tiredness when sitting w/some very low level pain tho I think the crutches and particularly time spent in bed in certain position is what's giving me this increased thoracic pain.
For now my lumbar spine has yet to kick in tho I'm pretty certain after some gimping it will.
Hope your cervical fusion went well and you're able to post soon tho take it easy and do what you have to in order to have a really good recovery (I'm going to try this advice myself)!