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Old 05-14-2012, 01:31 AM
TiredofPain TiredofPain is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Plano, TX
Posts: 30

Well, it took me a week to reply with progress because things happened so very quickly. I had an MRI on May 2nd, then called by the doctors office the following morning that they wanted to see me that afternoon. When I got there the doctor told me he wanted to admit me into the hospital and replace my left hip the following morning. The Avascular Necrosis was severe and I had a stress fracture on the left side femoral head. He was somewhat surprised that I was able to walk and really didn't want me walking around much longer with that condition. He said that after recovery of the left hip, the right one needed replaced as well. Before releasing me from the hospital last Sunday, he said that he feels very confident that this replacement will reduce my knee and ankle problems considerably if not almost all together. I'm still in quite a bit of pain at this point, but getting a little better each day. I'm optomistic for the future.

I still have to get with the back surgeon to go over the results of the CT Scan to determine the next steps for the failed fusion. So, I still have a ways to go, but I can still see some light at the end of the tunnel. It's very unlikely that I'll ever be pain free, but I do believe that I will be better off than I was pre surgery last April on my back. Keeping my fingers crossed. And I do still know that there are others much worse off than me. But pardon the expression, but some days sure do suck.

Hope all the mothers out there had a Happy Mothers Day.

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