New to this forum
I went to Stenum Hospital in Germany about 5 years ago and had 2 Maverick (Cobalt Tool Steel ball and socket design) ADR done L4-L5 and L5-S1 along with a soft fusion L3-L4. With great results and was well into recovery when I slipped and fell flat on my back rupturing several disks in my neck as well as L2-L3. So now I have stenosis, bone spurs and ruptured disks pressing on my spinal column in multiple place.
Due to the nature of injuries I doubt that I could return to Germany 1st choice as I question if I could handle the plane flight there. Currently I sleep in a recliner, which also can usually sit in for several hours comfortably. Other recliners or chairs after a few hours, no pain, until I stand up. Then I notice how much more numb my feet are and the nerve pains start up.
Based on this I seriously doubt that plane travel even for short distances would work for me. Funny thing is that I can drive my Ford Aerostar long distances pretty comfortably.
So I am pursuing possible minimally invasive surgery to shave the bone spurs and relieve the stenosis plus shave the bulging disks.
Fusion is obviously very low on my choices.
Yes, I am self insured due to my original back injury over 30 years ago.
I have considered Mexico where I have been quoted $25K to do both my neck and back yet, some how I am not confident in that solution.
Any one know of source of information or have personal experience with minimally invasive spinal surgeries?
I will be Goggling and post my results here.
Thank you,