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Old 05-01-2012, 05:27 PM
TiredofPain TiredofPain is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Plano, TX
Posts: 30

Hi Judy

I hope that your recovery from your recent foot surgery is going well, and it is giving you relief and your better off than pre-surgery.

Well, I went to the specialist today, and I'm very very excited. He asked alot of questions, and equally, if not more importantly he listened to me. He asked me which set of joints bothered me the most, it's best to start with one project at a time. LOL. Maybe not funny, but it was to me. After listening to me he ordered x-rays on ankles, knees and hips. Hips are a new problem, within the last 5-7 months, or maybe longer I just didn't notice that much because of the severe pain elsewhere. At any rate. After he looked at the xrays with me and expained things, he said that he was pretty concerned with my left hip. He showed me and explained, and I understood as well as I could. He said that it appeared as though there was osteonecrosis and he wanted an MRI to determine the extent and what treatment plan would follow. He said if it was a small area, then it could be treated with core decrompression. If it was a larger area, which he was afraid of, then it would require a full hip replacement.

He said that the hip could very well be a major contributor to my other issues, knees and ankles. He also said that we were going to figure things out and make me better. I almost broke down and cried, because I believed him. I'm waiting on the call to schedule the MRI, and can't wait to get it done. I'm hoping that hip replacement is not needed, but if it is, I welcome it.

As far as the CT scan on my back. I said MRI in previous post, but mis-spoke, it was actually CT scan. I called the Dr's office yesterday wondering if they had the results and if the Dr had reviewed them. They said that they do have the results, but the Dr doesn't review them until I'm there for an appt. I have mixed emotions on that policy, but it is what it is. So I have an appt on the 8th to go over it with him. I guess in a way it's kind of a moot point because I personally think that my ability to walk more with little to no pain should be a priority, because the biggest thing that was asked of me from surgery last year was alot of walking. I did what I could, and just maybe that wasn't enough. Your thoughts?

Again, I'm pretty excited with this new doctor, and going to drop the other 2 specialists, knee and ankle, because it sure seems like I have one now that can take care of it all. There was a couple in the waiting room, that said they will not go anywhere else and they consider this group of doctors to be the best in the country. So far so good. J
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