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Old 04-29-2012, 03:32 PM
TiredofPain TiredofPain is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Plano, TX
Posts: 30

Good morning,
Well, I have been very busy with lots of doctors appts hoping to get to the bottom of my numberous problems, i.e. ankles, knees, hips. My 1 year anniversary for the surgery was the 26th of this month. I'm hoping to find a specialist that can look into the whole person concept and tell me whether or not the surgery could be contributing to the other probs. However, a foot specialist this past week told me that it could be contributing to my ankles because the levels that were operated on are directly related to the feet. I have an appt with a doc on May 1st that specializes in feet, knees and hips. So hopefully, he can put together a treatment plan that will be beneficial, instead of having to see 3 different docs.

The most recent update on my back. My appt on the 24th was better than the last. The PA came in first and I mentioned my displeasure of the previous appt. She was very appologetic and so was the doctor. The xrays did not show any significant change in the fusion after the use of the bone growth stimulator for 2 months. So the doc ordered an MRI to get a better look to see what is going on before committing to any future treatment plans. That makes sense to me and I was glad to hear that. I had the MRI done on the 25th and now waiting for the call for follow-up with the doc. I wish I knew how to provide some of the pics on here for Mark to review because I have a disc with the MRI results, but it's a program and not just individual pics. I'm really hoping for a successful appt with the specialist on the 1st that can help me. Because at this point my mobility is very limited, and I'm too young to be stuck at home like I have been for the last couple of years. Even with that said, I still realize that I'm pretty blessed because there are alot of people much worse of than I am. As always, I appreciate everyone listenting to me ramble and respond with advice and encouragement. I hope everyone had a great weekend. J
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