tailbone/low back spasms
Ok so it's not my tailbone that is spasmsing! It's related to bike riding tho as I've gone quite a while without this kind of "prob" unless I sit too long otherwise it seems that bike riding more than a half hour or maybe even a half hour creates low low back spasms and tailbone discomfort. Can't call it pain cuz it's not but like an aching.
I don't want to think it's "nothing" as I recall when L4 blew out the first time the precursor I had to it was aching around the rectum (I'm sorry to be so graphic tho we're mostly all grown ups here).
While I love riding my bike I don't want to bring about a back prob again so trying to figure out how I can handle this. Respite days between short rides?
Walking really is the best for my back tho had to temporarily give this up until after I have my toe surgeries (2 toes). Arghhh....spiney stuff!