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Old 03-30-2012, 05:57 AM
TiredofPain TiredofPain is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Plano, TX
Posts: 30

Originally Posted by mmglobal View Post
There are a variety of issues with problems fusing.

The fusion hardware is not designed to withstand the load of carrying your weight indefinitely. Once fusion occurs, then the hardware is redundant. In some cases, the hardware may be removed later. I'm talking about posterior instrumentation, such as pedicle screws and rods. Most anterior column implants are inside of the space that should fuse and cannot be removed later unless the fusion will be reconstructed..

With non-unions that remain structurally sound, there may be a problem with motion not being eliminated. If the painful tissues are still jostled around by ongoing motion in the segments that are supposed to be fused, it may remain painful.

I hope this helps you understand more about the issues you should be discussing with your doctors.


PS.... if you want to post your films, we can discuss them on the forum. If you 'd like to send them to me and discuss them privately, let me know. (no charge.) Contact me via the contact page on the GPN website linked below.
Thank you for that info Mark it does give me a better understanding, and have started a list of questions for my appt on 24 April. I will also see if I can obtain the films from that appt and post them. I really appreciate that offer.
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