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Old 03-26-2012, 09:16 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default re bruising

duhh.. don't even remember that much bruising but I'm sure I had it too! I think if you hit your little toe that might have impacted your overall foot and caused even more bruising. Maybe I'm wrong. When I thought I have broken my little toe I taped it to the next toe tho when you've recently had surgery on the toe next to that and others that might not be the best idea.

I do hope that your progress will just keep going along and you wont' be feeling more pain after awhile when you've given it just a bit more time.. You'll see things will get better!!! take it easy whenever you can Judy.. it's being inpatient that often gets us into trouble (believe me I know only way too well)! I have to constantly remind myself to not get into things all the time!!!! take care! Maria
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