Originally Posted by cherylstewart67
we are all here asking for help and ideas. we have all of these tests and mri's ...it seems most people here are interested in adr. we are all leary of surgery and want to get off the pain meds. wouldn't it just be so much simpler if the insur co and fda got off their asses and just approved the multi level adr so that we can move on? why why why, don't they see it would save money and quality of life for everyone? in stead we sit here afraid of making the next move, flying over seas to seek help, spending money we don't really have. i just want to get better so i can lead a productive life with my husband...we are all hoping for a miracle to come along.
Check out this.
GELSCOM - Administration of DiscoGel
It's called discoGel. I still no little about it but it makes more sense than most of the crap they do.