Sorry to hear you're experiencing pain above the fused areas. Sounds like the disc above is aggravated tho perhaps ESIs would help calm that down or an injection of 60mg IM Toradol (non steroidal antiinflammatory med) for muscle spasms (you might start out asking for this at your PCP/Ortho/PM) and if that stuff fails and you don't "have to" have surgery (as in emergent reason) then perhaps you could try a pain medicine to at least cut the pain.
Sounds like you have other things bothering you and I don't know whether they're related to your back or aggravating your back because they're painful.
Good luck on something helping or perhaps just more time. Try not to think that what you are living with today is your life's sentence as things may change with time and/or some intervention (not necessarily meaning more surgery).
thanks for the update

wishing you better days