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Old 01-01-2012, 01:28 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default January 1st 2012~

Hi Judy,
Happy New Year! I spent most of last evening asleep on my love seat which is getting too soft for me I woke up at midnight to sounds of fireworks and Lola jumping up to be w/me cradled in my arms as she's afraid of loud noises/fireworks. The cats could have cared less... they have long ago learned that the noise is distant and treat it as such!

Today my back is really hurting. I will have to get rid of the love seat even tho it's only about 2 years old (and leather). Argghhh...

Ok Happy New Year to you and hope you have a good walk on the trail. I had a great beach walk yesterday w/a friend and many mini walks w/Lola!

There's a lot of fog out here in the a.m.s and that used to bother my back so I was surprised it hadn't. I wish that's all it would be in terms of the pain today but I think not. Oh well... such is life as a spiney! take care and have a great day! I'll probably watch a bunch of TV in bed today if the back is super cranky! Rose Parade and other stuff!
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