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Old 12-12-2011, 08:50 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default treatment options

Some people (myself included) may actually go beyond an appropriate time frame for "options" and end up with "less options." Please try to check out "options" as early as possible once realizing what is going on w/spine.

Good luck to anyone that is trying to figure this out. I chose the "nothing further at the time option" even tho at least 3 surgical options were offered to me over a 6 year period of time. As time went on however because of exclusion criterion here in the US less options were available to me here in the US that would be covered by insurance. Perhaps abroad there may have been continued to be a chance for more options then $$ was a concern which makes the option of going out of the country less of an option.

There are often more factors involved in the decision making process than if one imagines so start as early as possible to figure things out!
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