re myofascial release
I used to have alot of this done while I was working and before and after both of my spine surgeries. I had very chronic burning pain in my buttocks and low back and into my legs for years post my 2nd spine surgery and had alot of this work done on my whole back for a year along with starting an opioid pain medicine in 2001 and 10 years worth of lumbar ESIs. I did get good relief after a few years and have now been off Neurontin for over a year (took it for 12 years re the burning pains).
I don't consider myself a success story re no surgery tho didn't have a 3rd spine surgery as recommended by many and have done better than expected I think and well enough for my own liking to date which I believe is because L5 S1 finally autofused after many years of ridiculous pain it seemed to have caused! Or rather horrendous vs. ridiculous! Good luck!