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Old 11-27-2011, 08:31 AM
ADR seeker ADR seeker is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 120

Originally Posted by mmglobal View Post
Is there any scientific evidence to support this?
Probably but mostly anecdotal. It is a known fact that low calcium causes bone spurs.

Here are some testimonials for a product. Bone Spurs & Heel Spurs- Natural Bone Spur Relief Guaranteed!

Here is something is found that sounds like proof.

John Mock, a friend of mine, had suffered from a painful shoulder
for many years and had restricted his calcium intake assuming at
the time together with his health counselor that excessive calcium
partly precipitated the problem and was responsible for bone spurs
that showed up on his X-rays.
Laurie Marzell, N.D.31, suggested that his bone spurs were not
caused by excessive calcium but a calcium deficiency, and put him on
a supplement program of 1500 mg of calcium and 750 mg of magnesium
each day. Six to eight months later, new X-rays revealed that
the bone spurs had dissolved along with the pain he used to feel in
his shoulder31.
Most authorities suggest that calcium-magnesium supplementation
should be 2:1, two parts calcium to one part magnesium, just
as Gus J. Prosch, Jr., M.D.18, found effective in treatment of arthritis,
roughly the ratio found in dolomite 1.65:1 made from living
organic fossil remains. White, Handler, Smith and Stetton, in The
Principles of Biochemistry, recommend a 5:1 calcium-magnesium
ratio that these authors found to be normal for human physiology.
Now many physicians are recommending equal parts calcium and
magnesium. One ratio might work better for some than others.

The British Journal of Dermatology, October, 1980, reported
that 11 arthritic patients had been given zinc sulfate, 220 mg, 3 times
a day, for six weeks, then a placebo for six weeks. For those who
continued the therapy for six months, significant gains in mobility,
reduction of swelling, and stiffness took place. Zinc plays a known
role in immune system stimulation and reduces inflammation. It also
is known to play a role as a free radical scavenger, neutralizing the
effects of many irritants and normalizing the pH of the blood. Severe
zinc deficiency shows up in fingernails with ridges and white spots
and is associated with prostate problems. In one study, low levels of
zinc and histadine were found in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Twelve
weeks of 220 mg of zinc three times a day had the result of significant
improvements in walking, stiffness, and swelling in the study of
the University of Washington Medical School in Seattle.

Here's a link.,%20Color.pdf

It could be mumbo jumbo but there is some hard science.

Heel spurs are a common clinical problem which has no satisfactory therapy. Surgical procedures do not solve the problem probably because they are unable to resolve Vitamin K2 deficiency. Injections of Xylocaine like drugs and cortisone compounds into the painful bone deposits also fail to prove rewarding. Also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(Motrin, Clinoril, etc.) can produce gastric irritation, internal bleeding and intestinal dysbiosis by killing healthy intestinal bacteria without resolving Vitamin K2 lack. Restoration of Vitamin K2 stores could lead to resolution of heel spurs.

Here is more anecdotal stuff but they are not trying to sell anything.

Heal Bone Spurs

This guy reports;

[YEA] 04/11/2010: Bancheck from Idaho Falls, Idaho writes: "I am 45 and I have bone spurs on my spine, feet, and hands. One bone spur on my right thumb ruptured in 2002. I lost some function in my right hand to the point of getting my thumb caught and broken twice. I was 380 pounds, pre-diabetic, and walking on broken bones in my feet quite often (Lots of broken toes and my right ankle). Last October 2009 I was hurting and could not breath (Darth Vader had more stealth then I did).

I am a man that should be in his prime but I was unable to work. My ego was more then broken.

I found the solution and in the last 6 months I've been experimenting to make sure its the real deal. Here it is:

First- Vitamin D3 6000 IUs a day (get a non-oil preparation)

Second- No oils, No fried food, No deep fried food, and NO MARGARINE of any kind

Third- No soda of any kind (lowers body pH for 36 hours)

Fourth- Lots of eggs, butter, and avocados real fat (if it won't rot in three days or less don't eat it)

Fifth- Meat needs to be cooked under 210 Degrees for a longer time to keep the fat body ready (the flavor and texture is so much improved anyway).

Sixth- There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate sugar, starch, or fiber (think of these as fertilizer for good and bad bacteria and fungi in the intestines and body) Celiac and Fungi both produce a intestine damaging protein that stops mineral absorption. If eating the fiber gluten doesn't trip it sugar feeding a fungi may. This intestinal distress can last 2 weeks per episode of gluten eaten.

Seventh- Body pH is the problem. Your bones are part of the body's endocrine system. the bones bank minerals for use in hormone production. however they also dump large amounts of calcium into the blood stream to counter low blood pH if needs be. Bad fats (even bottled olive oil) and carbohydrates lower body pH causing such an event.

Eighth- Eat salt, good sea salt, you need salt to make hydrochloric acid to digest food and absorb minerals (chloride ion from salt). You need sodium bicarbonate made in the pancreas and kidneys to get the minerals to the cells. (sodium from salt)

Ninth- get 60 essential minerals, 16 essential vitamins, 12 essential proteins, and 3 essential fatty acids daily. I have been using a supplement with a good balance. But, I have 7000 to 12000 MG Calcium with Boron, copper, and the rest in combination with clean gelatin to rebuild my bone matrix and tissue.

Tenth- I drink high pH waters with an ORAC count below -300. I also drink (Ferric Ferrus salt in my water) This salt in an aquarium will support both salt water and fresh water fish simultaneously in the same water for years.)

Eleventh- to get my fungi under control I've been using 1 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate in 8 or 12 Oz water every morning for 1 month then off for 2 weeks then 1 more month.

Twelveth- eating less good food daily keeps the body from taxing pH reserves and builds bones back faster. Bone spurs are a symptom of osteoporosis. It can be healed in 6 months (documented). I've made progress I can walk again and my weight is falling off, My diabetes went away, and I haven't broken a toe in months still fighting with the fungi. Gluten hides in a lot of food. Just a little stops the bones healing until my guts heal in usually two weeks per episode.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++

At this point I will try anything. I heard a lot about apple cider vinegar and I thought it was BS. I have a stubborn wart on the meat of my thumb. I tried everything. Nothing worked and then I put ACV on it with a bandage and in a a week it fell off and it was painless.

Bone spurs do resolve on their own but I don't know if they do in the spine. Free and non patentable treatments don't get much study. Conventional medicine is really not based in science any longer.
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