Hi Judy,
I've been keeping the weirdest sleep hours lately it seems. I don't know why as I've been walking tho not quite as far or as hard but certainly enough. I have to run multiple errands because of holiday crunch so try to make sure that I balance out how much energy I spend walking (really that my feet won't be hurting too much) in terms of being able to get everything done.
Just as I was drifting off last night I heard my cell phone go off at 0130a.m. My heart still jumps as I think of my father immediately even tho he passed away last year.. so it takes me a bit to settle back down and go back to sleep. Then I'm up early again because now the animals are on an early schedule re eating and Lola walking so I naturally wake up very early even if next to no sleep.
I will miss not going back to Florida this year tho do not miss going during Holiday season. I only wish I had made it back before my father went into the hospital last year

ah well.. I know you're dealing with your Dad's condition so you want to get back there even if having to miss some of school.
I was going to ask you some other back question tho now I've forgotten what it is..guess I do need some extra sleep! Ok hope you have a good day today and if you're getting ready for TG that everything goes smoothly!