Had a lovely a.m. walk and took another walk in afternoon and no complaints re anything hurting. Took all the "Lola" walks in between. She's 8 y.o. and has become more of a little poophead at times like stopping short and staring at me like "what?" "I'm NOT going to walk that way!" .. she's a trip tho so cute~ I took her on 2nd street today in Belmont Shore and she got so much attention it was crazy! People were petting her and saying how cute/beautiful/etc she is and she was just in her glory!
re your knee I hope that there's not an atrophy of a ligament going on due to so much time spent in a certain position. Probably not .. probably something else. Can you straighten your leg out at rest? When you are resting and does your neck and upper back hurt (and knee) hurt or is it just when you're up and about (as if that's not enough!).
I'm up super late tonight as I cannot sleep. I get up very early as I usually go to bed very early and Lola is used to going out by 6a.m. every morning so early a.m.s aren't bad for me however if I don't go to sleep tomorrow morning (it's already morning) will come a bit too quickly! time to go to sleep (hopefully)!