I take mine daily about the same time of day tho I don't usually go out and about w/o it. There are days I can't really tell if I "need" it to do things and days I can't do much w/o taking it so I can do things but my dose daily each a.m.
I would imagine you could do it either way tho if you tend to overdo you may not want to take the medicine first then overdo unless you take it multiple times daily and can take it again in 4-6 hours. Or take it and see how it goes and take 2nd dose if necessary afterwards. I don't really know how many times/day you take your pain meds and what you're on (percocet?) if it's that I probably would never get out of my apt.!
We just got back from SD co. and am now home w/my animals. dh is doing some work up here today and maybe tomorrow. He brought his 25lb cat tho I wanted him to take Leo w/him to the Vets (where he's working today) as having the 4 animals in my small apt. all day is a bit much plus he eats my cats food. Guess they will be back later today after work?
Ok got to run. Not feeling good GI wise tho can't remember if I took my prilosec or not. My stomach doesn't think so tho I could swear I did...have errands to run