I'm originally from New England however my body prefers warm weather and sunshine and so do I! I find I'm emotionally happier in warm sunny weather tho not hot.. and yes these Santa Ana winds bother me too except they used to really get to my eyes badly and I had the lacrimal glands cauterized which was a big big help. I don't suffer much from allergies however (I did at for a while tho have gotten better it seems) so I think that's why I'm doing ok with the winds so far. Going out for a long wonderful walk a bit early as I have a birthday party to go to this evening for a friend that's turning 60!
The back to back trips might upset my back as well particularly if I had to sit for any length of time at either one and it does sound like the writer's conference you would definately need to? That sounds like a wonderful endeavor however and I do hope that you'll not suffer much pain and you are able to do both trips without "seriously overdoing."
Ok just checking in again before I'm out the door for my earlier than usual walk. Today has been a day with so many of my friends calling early (starting at 0730) to see if I want to get together today and I have had errands and the birthday party to go to and don't want to move my walk off the list so I asked my various friends if they wanted to walk with me but all have said I've gotten "too fast" for them and go too far!
LOL.. me!!!! That's a crack up!!! oh well seems like all we getting on senior boomer types have some kind of injury be it knees, backs, hips.. whatever!
take care all and hope everything goes as well for us all