re pain med
I take mine once daily now and am on same dose x10 years. Difference is I take almost nothing else now meaning no Neurontin after 12 years of this and nearly no fioricet for migraines as they're much better now as well and really that's it. I don't think I'd function at all w/o the pain medication so I have to say that this is the best I've done in many years now and I attribute that to the autofusion of L5S1.
I do love to walk up hills and down is Ok tho my feet bother me more doing this. So here I have to walk further and go up stairs and there are plenty of those by the beach tho there are many places I like to walk in SD and it's far more hilly or not level terrain. The air is much much clearer there which is a great benefit I think vs. LA county.
Glad to hear your hub is going to help out re Becka. I'm sorry to hear she's not doing her home work or work at home. I don't think I would have worked out well at all in less structured env. than school altho I remember Becka has reasons for home schooling and you are a teacher so I'm sure that makes a big diff re home schooling.
Hope things work out with getting J to attend w/you. Good luck there and take care of yourself as we always say!