Was still hot yesterday but not as bad as the day before. I conserved my energy after my doc's appt. and a quick trip to the grocery store on the way home and watched a few movies with the cats/dog. Then took a long walk last evening with Lola downtown and along the shoreline and over to a friend's for a late dinner on the terrace overlooking the beach. It was a beautiful evening and cool enough to sit out and enjoy the still nearly full moon over the beach~ our dogs all hung out together on the terrace (4) and a good time was had by all.
I have been used to not eating a real meal at dinnertime but rather a salad or just some veggies and juice so my stomach was kind of upset this a.m. Not nauseated just felt crampy. I still took my hour long walk this morning and it was GREAT! Just really love walking in the a.m. as it seems to give me a boost all day and I do get tired enough to sleep well even tho it may not seem like it I'm definately getting good sleep as I feel rested.
In fact today I had to go out to do laundry, wash Lola again as she's been an itch monster, wash my SUV, and then come home and will walk Lo again for nearly an hour this evening.
Glad you, Steffi and your son had a good time at the beach and outlet Mall Judy. I am not much of a mall person anymore either tho if I start looking I can "force" myself

except for now my feet start hurting if I'm on them too long shopping whereas it used to be my back.
Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight Judy and are able to hold it together pain wise and/or get what you need from your spine doc if necessary! take care and sleep well tonight!