Hi Judy,
I'd love to go to the beach today but have my OSS appt. this morning so cannot go and didn't even get to take my walk this morning! Bummer! That was because my tummy was upset!
RE sleep.. I sleep much better now and earlier too (getting up much earlier) since walking daily. This morning however Lola was barking at 0300 so I was up early because of that and then my tum decided I better stay up!
Oh well.. gotta jump in the shower now so I can be ready in an hour and off to the doc's and hopefully I won't have to sit there too long as I probably need xrays since I've not seen him for a year and a half.
Keep up the walking.. sounds like it's helping you and it's definately helping me. Already noticing a slim down at least from the top up (just what I don't want to lose but oh well!) .. when it gets to my rear end/legs I'll be a happy camper!
later and have a good tantime!