When do you sleep?

I noticed some of your posts are in the wee hours of the morning!
Steffi, my German daughter in law to be, wants to go to the beach today. It is going to be our last really hot day, i assume for the summer season . I told her i needed to go and get my last tan of the season. My tans usually come from hiking every day. Now that i have a lovely tire around the middle, i say tan fat looks better than white fat.
Yesterday's walk was not at all comfortable. It takes me about 55 minutes to complete the route i am doing now, I need to measure it to see how pathetically slow i am . The first half is all up hill, then the return all down. With sleeping late i have not been able to do it in a while so i need to make it a daily thing again. I also need to find my IPOD so on the rough days i will have some distraction. It is all in the timing of the pain pills. Yesterday i timed it all wrong. I took a dose then immediately took off for a walk. It really needs at least an hour to get in my system and provide some relief. I was meeting some people from my class for dinner and i did not want to be falling asleep on them if it effected me that way .
Now that the 2 of you were discussing arthritic hands, mine are both hurting in the morning. I can handle it although yesterday my youngest asked me if i was going to have surgery on my fingers !!! I said no, and no.