Arthritis in my hands? I have no idea what you're talking about

Actually for years I've had tendontis of my thumbs. At one point it was so bad I couldn't hold the brush and blow dryer. Now along with that, I also have arthritis and my hands just ache when it rains.
For the tendonitis, I used and still use magnets. Earth magnets, for anyone interested, are available online, google it, and about the size of a fat dime. I tape them to my thumbs at night, sometimes my elbows and it does feel better in the morning. Sometimes it might take 2-3 weeks to clear up an episode.
For anyone interested, magnets strength are measured in gauss. The magnets you can buy in drug stores, etc. are not strong enough to be of any benefit so don't waste your money. They are great for tendonitis and good for minor arthritis.
Also Maria, have you considered Voltaren gel for your hands?
Judy, glad your hip is not the one being recalled but then why are you still having pain? I hope this sunshine helps us all.