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Old 10-03-2011, 10:28 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default re lola and my back

Hi Judy,
Well Lola is doing well and has been a very good dog these last few days she's been home. Of course she would eat anything in sight but I have to keep on her~

re my back..weird thing w/first waking up and the left sided over the hip pain also in the a.m. and p.m. as I sit it hurts tho after my pain medication and being mobile I don't feel anything at all. So who knows what it is. As long as it's not really disruptive to my life I just tend to ignore it.

I've learned to make less of my back probs as they almost always wear off on their own so I may complain a bit here and there but the overall effect is certainly nothing that I want to rush out and schedule surgery over and usually not even something that is bothering me by the time I get a doctor's appt.

So I'd have to say I'm doing well~ and Lola is too! yippeeee!!!!! Hope that's the case for you Judy and your family as well.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you Judy re all that happens with your "case" re dh. Don't hold your breath re him coming over to talk finances.. can you even really trust him on that? I dunno but getting it down legally would be the way I'd want to go with someone who has done what he has to date. I just don't know if I would trust him to expose complete truths with you at this point and esp. with the potential influence of a new girlfriend with whom he has formed a powerful bond.

Ok let's end this on a good note so yea.. you're almost done with your coursework!! Whoooohho! We have to Celebrate "graduation"!!!!!!
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