I had wanted to name my dog Lucy as it was my Mom's name (actually Lucia tho she went by Lucy or Lu) and my father said "no way" as I got Lola when dh and I moved to Fla after my Mom passed and we had bought our home (she passed away on our closing date on prop in Fla). Dad absolutely thought it very disrepectful should I name a dog after my Mom.
I have to say that everytime I meet a person with a dog named Lucy the first thing I tell them is "that was my Mom's name".. so I dunno about the disrespect thing.
BTW I meant to mention that I hope your low back is doing better with the icing and care. I do always hope everyone's spine calms down on it's own as much as possible. I'm still hoping for that with my left sided over the hip pain as it seems to bother me when I first get up during the day or at night when I awaken or if I'm staying off my feet tho not while I'm up and about during the day!
Pain is pain and something we'd all do better without. Speaking of which I hope Judy your low back is doing Ok and you've been able to hike a bit this weekend.
Wishing all a good night~ everyone!