Well they say bad luck lasts for 7 years so the beginning in 2008 is not exactly good news

but I prefer to believe bad luck comes in 3s. Confucius say - I don't know what. Just having some fun.
I've also heard the breast stroke is bad for hurting backs? I rarely do it myself post ADRs.
And I know my own headaches come from the tension I carry in my neck and shoulders. For me, it's easy to tell because the pain starts in the back of my head. Allergy and sinus headaches begin in the front. Basically, does it feel better to rub your temples or the base of your hairline? My eye strain headaches begin in my eyes and go up. I also get migraine like headaches when I cry. However, they all hurt! The remedy for all is the same so whichever works for you - although be careful about drug interactions.
Have you hired an attorney yet? I am assuming the sooner the better given that reconciliation is not an option.
Again, I believe that relaxing is your new best friend. If you need some tips on meditating, pm me. I'll walk you through it. No mantra required!