Hi Dale and Maria
Dale you are right about the expectations of Jeff. Right now he is avoiding seeing me like the plague. He still feels guilty.
I just asked him once again to come and talk about dividing up the assets as he is keeping his debt if he wants to live. And i am keeping my savings. He only answers by email.
Laughing will be a good thing. When i hear my boys laughing, i go in there room, but it is never something i could laugh at!
I have a friend in Georgia that recommended some comedies so i will have Randy order them on netflix.
Jamie;s 15 year old car is supposed to be fixed later today. The rear brakes went out. The mechanic sounded like it was only going to be just over $200 so we are lucky.
Yes other parts of my back have been hurting, i know i am too tense., I am trying to practice relaxation. I will look for jokes.
I am also getting a lot of headaches again , which might be allergies too.
This string of bad luck started in 2008 when i was told to not come back to school to teach the next year.

It has been all down hill from there. I did have a short period of fun after my hip was replaced, i felt wonderful for a short time and went hiking every morning , then hit the pool for a mile swim at 11.

Then the back started really hurting . I thought swimming was a good thing after my hike. Oh well, the discs were bad, not much i could do to heal them.