Hi Judy,
You were out later than I have been for a while! I get so tired walking Lola and myself so much then getting up very early for her first walk. She just got so used to going out at 6a.m. w/dh when he was leaving for work that we are either out at that hour or shortly before or after!
The nausea was less today. I'm having trouble eating tho and am sticking to chicken noodle soup at lunchtime and a few small snacks after that in terms of dinner. Can't seem to get much down w/o some GI pain so that's kind of new. Sure hope I don't have gallstones..
I think it's stress but hate to self diagosis too much and miss something bigger so will call my PCP on Monday most likely and set up an appt. because I probably should pay attention to something that is affecting my ability to eat. Not that I don't need to lose a few pounds (5 would be nice) tho I rarely have a problem eating.
I can't believe Jeff and the GF! Wow talk about acting like teenagers. I'm sorry to say but I think it's gross that they just met, just moved in with each other and are flaunting "it" in front of your kids! And alcohol that just loosens inhabitions with 2 people already "all over each other" in front of the kids then allowing the kids to drink and drive? nuh uh.. it's just not right to me. Guess I am pretty old fashioned after all. Re the drinking maybe they got a ride home or Jeff drove them (still anybody drinking shouldn't have been driving).
I realize Jeff probably just wants the kids to forgive him and be comfortable w/him but geez ~ it's just too much too soon. I agree w/what Randy said about he better not screw it up or have no place to live. Maybe his office or car.
I'd sure like to make $100K/year and drive one of the new Fiats or the ever so cute Mini Cooper but no I have a big honking Mitsubishi Montero Limited that I was gaga over a few years back. Dumb bunny me (love Land Rovers and Discoverys too).
Well with that combined income of those two and if he's living at her house that's more for you and your kids! I'm pretty sure that guilt will make Jeff more than agreeable to a decent $ amount of support so don't feel badly there Judy!
Your Respiratory Therapy friend sounds like a nice person to spend time with. I haven't hiked in a while either since I started having bilateral posterior tibial tendonitis in my feet. Usually just good walks tho not nearly as long as I used to take however the ones I do take are regular now everyday even if I don't feel like it. I find I sleep much better.
If it weren't for the nausea I'd be sleeping right now tho I fell asleep early and woke up with some GI pain and nausea so had some GingerAle and now chamomile tea and hope to get back to sleep for a few hours.
Ok been rambling on here and now we can all stop worrying about planning the baby shower (thanks Dale). Well I do have a couple of fur babies here tho they don't want to wear any clothes! Lola loves treats tho!
Hope you're getting a few z's now Judy~ signing off for now