Hi there Judy and Dale,
I hope last night went OK for you Judy and maybe your boys will talk re how it went.. maybe not. Not sure what your boys are like. Some are quiet and some will talk. Oh well just hope you felt OK and got thru the evening OK.
As for me.. it just dawned on me this morning that I should make an appt. with my PCP re this tummy stuff. Guess the nausea was really terrible yesterday as it returned in the evening, the night, the wee hours.. and so forth. Today has been better however.
I'll see how it goes and if I still have nausea by Monday I'll call my PCP for an appt. Hopefully I'd not need a referral back to the Gastro. I can't remember when my last colonscopy was tho I believe it was less than 5 years ago (really dislike the prep for those). Had an endoscopy and colonscopy at the time and some other test that I've chosen to forget about.
Funny how I can tell other people to get checked out for whatever and don't really even think of doing so for myself until it's like "oh man do I feel BADDD" and it's got to be for more than a week to make me even go to a doctor.
So I think we should pass on the baby shower gals~ yeah.. pretty sure the BTL worked nearly 18 years ago! Now that was a successful surgery!
Judy I do really agree w/Dale re the sticking our heads in the sand when we can't deal with something (or don't want to). I've definately been there before (been there done that). Not with my husband. Wouldn't want to give him credit for someone else's crappy behavior. But I've done the same thing and so have a number of my friends.
Well today I took Miss Lola to the groomers to get bathed and a schnauzer cut even tho she didn't really need it but she would not let me bathe her yesterday and I haven't felt like struggling with her.
Ok I've got to see if she's ready to pick up so wishing you gals a good evening as it's getting late in the day here at nearly 3p.m.