The "surgeon" cut the keel slot wrong. The implant is tilted as is your spine. It changes the vectors of all your vertebra.
He also did not prepare the surfaces correctly. That is another reason it is tipped. Think of it like this. You install a door and the hinges are not plumb and square. It may close OK and look fine but when you open it more than 1/2 way it scrapes on the floor.
It looks to me that the joker who did this was more than sloppy.

Here is what you need. Even a bonehead like the bonehead who did your surgery could put this in without screwing up. The can't put it in wrong if they prepare the surfaces properly and they know how to use a drill and a screw driver. Even if they do a sloppy job the Neo Disk is forgiving.
BTW, what is the name of the dork who did this to you?