4 kids Maria, please don't give me another one!!
Becka has calmed down about saying she hates her dad. He took her yesterday to buy a new mattress. I don't think we or he should have made that expense at this time , but he got chewed out by me for not givning her a ride on the previous friday. He was mean on the phone to her to boot telling her he was not her taxi.
He has now invited the boys over on Friday to cook a meal for them to celebrate their birthday's. His new girl will be there , I am not too thrilled with this, but i will keep quiet as they do need a relationship with him. I can see it turning into me just doing all the grunt work , discipline, crazy trying to afford them all and he will be the pleasant fun one. I am getting sick.
thanks for letting me vent. I need it with this one.
I think i am going to try to volunteer somewhere just maybe 1/2 day per week in coding and billing to keep up my skills if i can not find a home job. I will ask my instructor on Sunday.
Maria the hospital positions have been open for a few months and i don't think they can ask about medical information. But i must let it go for now, unless he comes up with some plan with a devious attorney. Then i will be desperate.
