Thread: Celebrex
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Old 09-17-2011, 10:05 PM
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mmglobal mmglobal is offline
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I've always had a cast-iron stomache and meds never bothered me. A couple of years ago, it seemed like the long-term NSAID use was beginning to take it's toll. The doc started me on PROTONIX. I don't now if the GERD type of symptoms I was beginning to see was just a blip, or if the PROTONIX nipped in the bud, but I have not had a problem with those types of symptoms since I started on it.

I'm a couple of days into stopping the Mobic for the ESI... no horrible pain yet. (But, how would I know since I'm really having a lot of high pain levels ever day anyway???)

I just thought I'd mention the PPI (proton pump inhibitor, protonix, pantoprozole) as part of the NSAID discussion because it is an integrale part of NSAID decisions for many people.

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