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Old 09-11-2011, 08:33 PM
Jarrod Jarrod is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 38

Greetings Everyone,
Hi guys I finally heard back from my surgeon in Spain about my test results from my myleo ct and it apears that there is some bilateral formina stenosis. Dr. Clavel said that at c5/6 and c6/7 are showing some bone spurs in the formina openings which might be causing the nerve to be pinched at these levels. So the first thing I am to do is to get an emg to see if the levels are showing some issues and then an epidural shot to see if that helps relieve some of my symptoms. In the end if the problem is shown to be at these levels then he suggested a possible Anterior microforminatomy to clean out the forminia and relieve the pain and symptoms.

Has anyone had this procedure done and is it laproscopic or open incision. I would do it in an instant if will relieve my aching back and clumsy hand. I cant belive that I might have to go back and have another procedure, but the good news is that the discs look good at the midline point and there are no bone spurs at those points which means the discs look good as far as placement goes. Also the c7/t1 level where they thouroughly cleaned out the formina openings due to the herniation hitting the nerve root looked beautiful on the myleo ct. So i cant understand why they would not clean out the formina on the other two lvels while they were in there. I understand that the c5/6 and c6/7 levels showed more central canal stenosis due to the herniations but I would have thought they they would have checked the formina while they were literally right there. Well hind sight is 20/20 and if I can have this procedure done to relieve this back ache and restore my hand I would forgive all. I still am very grateful to Dr. Clavel and his abilities to help me find a answer to my problem and pain. He is a very sincere and caring surgeon and he will def. be doing this next surgery if that is what is needed.

Thank You all for listening and giving your imput as this has been a very rough year for me. Emotionally I thought I had reached my limit and it is because of all of you that I still get up everyday and push forward trying to keep a positive attitude and figure out my pain and its source. May GOD BLESS you all and I will keep you updated. Thank you for any imput as it is much appreciated.

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