that real estate attorney you saw was awesome. NOt charging you. i tend to have bad luck in life so i doubt that will happen to me. But i will be taking the fee out of the joint account anyway. i will try not to stay more than another half hour. I haven;t heard back from the other law firm i contacted. Maybe I have to call them. I always wonder if i have left the correct phone number. i sometimes get them jumbled.
Speaking of hair, i need a trip to get mine cut. I also have her color the gray, but i can wait a little more time, but i keep having bad hair days so i definitely need it cut again, seemed to grow like a week since last time.
My attorney appointment with the high priced lawyer is tomorrow afternoon., i'll post after i see him for sure. I need to get busy typing questions to speed the process up.
yesterday afternoon, late, i tried to go shopping with my 2 girls , Becka , the youngest was mad at us for where we parked so she refused to get out of the car. We shopped a little , then just went back to the car and brought her home. Jamie and I went to the local mall and stayed until it closed. wEll i then went to my neighbors to see how he was doing after having a knee replaced last week by my hip surgeon. Glad mine was a hip not a knee. he is doing fine though. i stood up talking to him for about 15 minutes, then went to walk. OUCH. i almost had to grab his walker (actually mine, he is borrowing) I went home, took percocet and pretty much stayed in bed. STil had the same pain this morning, which i figured would happen. Whenever this happens i can't stand up straight.
But today i have to get to the lab for my hematologist appt. on Friday , and i have a gastro doc appt this afternoon. so no rest today. Tomorrow i have to get Becka to school at 1, then the lawyer at 4. Then an apt on Thursday for me foot and Friday the hematologist. Glad we were not trying to meet this week, i have NO free days. Next week just my spine surgeon late monday. I am glad i will need a break from doctors appointments. He is such a sweetie, i love going to see him. WE discussed a lot about husbands leaving laSt time, i need to get some questions going this time. I will more than likely sign up for more shots at that point too. I asked my daughter to get the day out of work and it ends up she starts school the next day on the 22nd so it just worked out. I don't have any close people around here to ask to pick me up or drop me off at 5am. he always does shots on Wed morning so i at least knew when to ask her to take off.
Thanks for listening to all that. hope to see you next week, i'm excited. Remember i can't make it on monday or wed because i have to bring my daughter to school at 1 -2. She is really home schooled, but meets to turn in her work twice a week and take tests on her work. So far she is acting like last year so i am worried, she has not shown me any work she has done and only has today to finish . She is scaring me.
Need to get in the shower. Should we be emailing instead of my rambling on this forum?