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Old 09-04-2011, 05:02 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default maybe

He meant inflammation as it's kind of common to hear about SI joint probs after this area being fused or and the recommendation I've read about has been fusing the sacrum. Because the idea is if the SI joint is now bothered by the fusion above then fusing sacrum will stop movement, stop inflammation and calm things down. At least in theory.. not sure how it works. Those that have had that might want to chime in if this is what D's surgeon might be considering re "more surgery." Maybe I'm wrong and that's not what he meant at all but it sounds like a possibility to me.

I would think the first course would be the steroid injections to see if the area could be calmed or the inflammation could be calmed down (inflammation generally can cause swelling of sorts).

Last edited by Maria; 09-04-2011 at 05:05 PM.
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