Originally Posted by dshobbies
I'm sitting here, shaking my head, wondering why some doctors are more caring than others. You would think, going into this profession, they are caring, nurturing people who want to make a difference in someone's life. Then again, we've heard enough stories to know this isn't true. "It does seem odd," my _ss.
Hopefully, your surgeon did some good and was not just money hungry as you suspect. And healing can take it's sweet time. Keep up the good work and a positive attitude. My fingers are crossed
The reason doctors treat patients like customers/cash vending machines in the US goes to our decline as a society. Most people really suck, it's just that doctors suck more. There are exceptions. Sadly most of them are ignorant and arrogant.

Keep in mind, these are merely their salaries and not their income
Neurosurgery Salaries
Lowest Reported Average Reported Highest Reported
$354000 $541000 $936000
Orthopedic Surgery Salary Information
Lowest Reported Average Reported Highest Reported
$228000 $459000 $1352000
Of all of the people that I used to know
Most never adjusted to the great big world
I see them lurking in book stores
Working for the Public Radio
Carrying their babies around in a sack on their back
Moving careful and slow
It's money that matters
Hear what I say
It's money that matters
In the USA
All of these people are much brighter than I
In any fair system they would flourish and thrive
But they barely survive
They eke out a living and they barely survive
When I was a young boy, maybe thirteen
I took a hard look around me and asked what does it mean?
So I talked to my father, and he didn't know
And I talked to my friend and he didn't know
And I talked to my brother and he didn't know
And I talked to everybody that I knew
It's money that matters
Now you know that it's true
It's money that matters
Whatever you do
Then I talked to a man lived up on the county line
I was washing his car with a friend of mine
He was a little fat guy in a red jumpsuit
I said "You look kind of funny"
He said "I know that I do"
"But I got a great big house on the hill here
And a great big blonde wife inside it
And a great big pool in my backyard and another great big pool
beside it
Sonny it's money that matters, hear what I say
It's money that matters in the USA
It's money that matters
Now you know that it's true
It's money that matters whatever you do"