The statue of limitations for this runs out next April so I have some time to think about all of this. Boston Scientific was in the OR but they will not say anything. I talked to the rep but they are bound by strict confidentiality guidelines which I understand. I am in the process of trying to get a referal and approval to see a Neuro at Vanderbuilt Hospital in TN. I need someone else to look at me and recommend further testing, look over all my imagining, etc. I really need a second set of eyes to look at all of this and see what they have to say. I may need emergent care though as the numbness has traveled to my groin today (though it is not constant) and I know this is a bad sign. It is just never ending but I will get through all of this eventually. It is just nice that I can vent all of this on ISPINE.ORG sometimes it relieves a little of the frustration as I am sure many of you are aware. Take Care, Greg