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Old 08-24-2011, 01:41 AM
kajari kajari is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Western Kentucky
Posts: 33

I dont know if I even have the energy to even think about bringing suit against the other surgeon right now. My case is also a WC but it is a Federal WC and as much as I might win in a suit it would all go to pay back the hundreds of thousands of dollars that these surgeries have cost. Money isn't even of importance right now as all I want to do is fix this whole mess the previous surgeon has caused. I just got back from my PM Doc. He checked my legs and the right leg that is going paralyzed is extremely weak and has lossed muscle mass (is a lot smaller than my left leg). My right leg has started twitching and shaking when I stand or walk which is of a big concern now. The PM doc wants my surgeon to do further studies and MRI but I cannot have an MRI without being anesthesized because I cannot have anything touch my back or mid section or lay down without extreme pain and burning sensation. I do not know how they would do an MRI while sedating me. This is just getting quite unbearable and the pain has gotten so much worse. PM Doc upped my pain meds AGAIN and that just is not an acceptable solution to me cause these pain meds just make me feel sick and are poisoning my body. The amount of pain meds I am on now is frightening....would probably kill an elephant. It is a never ending cycle of more pain...increased pain meds...more pain...increased pain meds. There has got to be a solution to all of this horrific cycle and torment that my body is enduring. No one really realizes how much of an impact an injury and then a mistake by an incompentant surgeon can have on your life. It can destroy your life as you know it and that part of your life is gone forever.
Take Care,
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