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Old 08-17-2011, 06:15 PM
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dshobbies dshobbies is offline
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Haven't you already been through enough? You must instruct your body to behave -

Seriously, I'm so sorry. You put so much hope into this surgery. Please keep us advised as per new films.

Would I sound like a broken record is I recommend acupuncture? I took care of most of my pain. As for muscle spasms. I still get them everyday, not 60 per minute and mostly in my toes but I can usually calm them instantly.

Just for the sake of brevity - I want to know why I (we) get stand-up and walk it off spasms during sex? Is this age related? Our discussions have gone from ooohs and ahhhs to ouches and owes and more! Sucks (no pun intended).

I don't know why but this morning I woke up with more severe pain than usual. I started laughing because I have things I must do today as I have out of town company and she is gone for the day. Laughing doesn't help the pain but does improve my angst. I more than understand how living with pain after hoping to be rid of it brings to down to despair. I know, I've been in that hole. Try getting on a joke site on the web or reread some of our jokes. Try laughing - it does help. If nothing else, it makes you forget the pain for just a few moments. Though my back tries to tell me no - I actually feel better for waking up and laughing.

Another thing. - you also might try meditating or deep relaxation. It might give your muscles a chance to calm down and also takes you to a place you're happy and comfortable.

And lastly, I find laying flat to be very taxing on my back and actually causes pain. You might want to try a zero gravity position to see if that helps.

I do hope your tests reveal nothing is wrong. Another surgery seems too much to ask of you. Enough already. You are in my thoughts.

3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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