I know that occasionally we recommend seeking legal remedies for a bad surgical experience but the real truth is, there isn't one of us who doesn't want a complete life back instead of a single punitive penny. No amount of money can make our pain go away or make us feel better about not being able to run, jump (out of planes) or do 'normal' things. Unfortunately, it is the only equalizer available to some - however unfair.
Through the last several years, I've read some horrific stories. Choosing our surgeons and surgeries carefully is the only thing we can do for ourselves but even that carries no guarantee.
Spines are complicated and surgery is difficult. Decisions are often based on the better of two evils. BUT, when a doctor does something wrong, the simple result is we suffer. Ignoring our pain or hiding behind incomplete reports - and our choices become even more limited. I have no tolerance for avoidance of responsibility.
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it