Why don't they just grow us a new disc? They have been working on that for some time now. My first surgeon's conference was in December 2002 when I went to AAMISMS. (American Academy of Minimally Invasive Spine Medicine & Surgery)
Dr. Bertagnoli showed slides of 'recovered' discs that had been previously degenerated, but were again nicely hydrated and healthy looking. These were following the ADCT procedure in which they harvest your own disc nucleus during a standard micro or endo discectomy, then culture your own cells in a lab. 6 - 12 weeks later, they implant 20,000 times the number of cellls than were harvested.
I was blown away by what I saw and was very excited to see how this was going to pan out. 9 years later, I'm still waiting for the splash.
The technology exists to get your to grow new disc material, but unfortunately, the nucleus is just one component of a system Most of us are too far gone for this procedure to be successful before we even know we have a problem. They are no longer passing water and nutrients to the nucleus in sufficient quantities to keep the nucleus healthy. The 'black disc' or dehydrated disc is a symptom of the entire system failing, not just the nucleus. Replacing the nucleus is not enough.
I have seen case presentations where cadaver discs were havested INCLUDING the vertebral endplates, and impanted into patients with severe DDD. These transplants were successful.
I've had several clients get the procedure done.