My 3 weeks of physical therapy did nothing so far or possibly made things worse. They may have just gotten worse on their own. My weakness in my legs is back, my foot numbness is back. (Maybe the shots helped for a little while) My left leg now gets numb and the hip pain is back in the left side. Of course the lower back pain is still there too.
so at my apt my doctor gave me 3 choices, one to do nothing. Not acceptable to me.
2) to have him just remove the screws at L2
3) have him free up all the rest of the nerves in my lumbar below L2 and extend the fusion to L4 (which he has said at times that he should have done in the first place.
Well i picked plan 3 for a few reasons. One was money, I currently have blue cross and have met all my deductibles. I have a secondary insurance to take over when BC ends, i thought it was Sept 1st. I found out today it is actually Aug 1st. So my money reason is out the window.
The other one is that it is just not getting any better and my legs are getting weaker.
All that said, i still wonder if i made the wrong decision.