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Old 07-19-2011, 08:15 AM
Magrego Magrego is offline
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Posts: 28

Well I re read my message was a bit all over the place. I think what I have learnt is pain rating is very subjective. I don't think you can rate pain levels unless you study other illness and disease to give accurate readings. I gave a rating 10 out if 10 for nerve regrowth from a severed arm. This 10 out of 10 pain would only occur for 1 split second or a second. It was a pain that was shooting, electrical vault like lightening pain. It would come every hour or so. I had other pain that throbbed etc. But this particular nerve pain through my arm was bad and I am sure many others have experienced this to a degree where it would last more than a second. Also the occurrence could be every minute instead of every hour.

I cannot imagine living with that sort of pain continuously, it would be impossible for me to fully understand their pain without feeling a small amount myself. I bet half the people in the world would rate it 20/10 if it never stopped.

So I believe pain scaling Is a terrible system to assess. I am no doctor but this method seems a inaccurate and totally subjective and personal. There must be other ways to assess pain.

I thought that possibly understanding other people's pain could help you assess the level of your own pain. But again every persons particular case is very different. so I guess subjective opinions is the only way but to make these more accurate a scale from 1 to 10 is too simple for such a complex issue. Words and sounds I believe are better at rating pain than a number. But the rating should not be as simple as writing a few words. It needs to be written and documented when you are feeling the worste and when your feeling your best. Pain varies in my situation so I'm not sure about others.

Anyway just wanted to say my 2 cents after the crap I went through trying to explain my pain. I learnt not bothering to explain helps me. Not only is pain hard to rate it's hard to explain which I believed progresses illness from the inappropriate comments from doctors related to pain. Some doctors even told me to lift weights there is nothing wrong. Lol I had sacro and possible AS. Lol if I had of listened to half the docs comments about pain I am sure I would be far worse.

If you are in serious need of assistance and you are not getting the assistance why not grab a cross bow lol
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