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Old 07-19-2011, 03:05 AM
Magrego Magrego is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 28

Hey guys,

I too have problems with my pain scale. All my life I have injured myself. Fallen of car roofs, stairs, fighting , rugby ect. I was a small male that I must admit thought was almost invincible. Some of the thing I have done I am lucky to be alive.

Pain has never been an issue for me before sacroillititis. I think the only pain that has compared was when glass severed my main nerve and minor arteries and over 8 tendons in my arm.

The biggest pain was not when it happened but 1-3 months after the injury when the nerves were trying to grow back. I still have limited feeling.

Now I was treated with morphine ect and people showed they cared for me because they could see I was in pain. To be honest I never needed the support as much as I do now for sacroillitis.

Whole point of my story is I rate sacroillitis 9 or 10 ( I may have other disease but there still testing.) I rate my arm a 10 when the nerves were growing back.

Now even though the pain rating is Higher than sacroillitis I would prefer to have my arm sliced open and almost cut off lol. Sorry for the ugly description but yes my muscles were hanging out of my arm. I could also open and close my hand as the muscle was sucking in and out of my arm. Was ridiculously gory 2 police officers had to leave the room lmao.

Anyway I just wanted to show pain levels mean shit too most of you. It's the fact it takes away your life. I am not saying pain isn't bad and may is actually the very reason we complain. But it is not why we complain it is because I miss being able to do the things we enjoy. And people keep saying there is nothing wrong or they treat you like you are over reacting.

Not to be pessimistic but most people are not understanding. I call most of these people one eyed. There is a big difference between pain that goes away and pain that stays forever.

When I had my knee reconstruction. When my knee crunched it was a 7 . Tore acl ligaments .

I remember when I was a kid I said" I hope i don't ever kick my toe again"
if I knew about sacroillitis I would have peed my pants lol.
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