go by the symptoms
if i had gone by the symptoms rather than what they looked at the mri and said was my cause i'd be better off. they did fusion on the levels that were not the problem. i know those areas needed something, but my problem has always been c6/7. i told them i was having problems with my forarms and hand and which fingers and it pointed to 6/7 t1 but they did fusion on 4/5/6 because of what they saw in the mri. now i am still not better. they nere even did a discogram or however it spelled to see what levels were causing my pain. they did not tell me all of my options for adr vs fusion and at that time i did not have a home computor to research it for myself. clearly adr would have been better for me, the fusion has lead to more ddd from the stress and additional surgeries.
female age 45, height 5"6", 145 lbds, non smoker, conservative treatments failed, (7/2007) C4/5/6 peek disc replacements,plate & screws failed fusion,
(9/2008) revision with bone replace plate and screws, (10/2009) C3/4 stand alone peek cage, (12/2010) facet joint injections C3-7, (1/2011) rhizotomy C6/7 failed, Trouble swallowing
most recent mri (7/2011) shows ajacent level issues: right neural foraminal narrowing C2/3, posterior bulge indents thecal sac at C6/7/T1 no mass effect on cord.
Last edited by cherylstewart67; 06-24-2011 at 02:50 PM.