re latest post
Like others here I'm glad to read your last post. Much of my prob post 2nd spine surgery was with sitting so I couldn't fly here or there or contemplate sitting in a movie. Became a home movie viewer only which was OK too considering the price of movies out and how accessible everything is re home entertainment.
Glad you got a quick response from the surgeon in Spain and will be checked out promptly. That is good. Another part of the waiting game for me was my injury and surgeries were all tied up in our WC system here so talk about waiting~ it was one of WC's best strategies for getting people to settle for cash bennies only if anything (not me as I wanted future medical benefits).
Re work.. yeah I worked 8 years longer after my 2nd surgery tho had planned on working my entire career like everyone else wants to. Everything that was my normal got changed and I kept adjusting to "the new normal" for me.
Love Harleys!!! Hope you'll get to ride in the future.. ya never know! Didn't think I'd ever do some of the things I used to and over time have found that I could. Not as carefree, not as long, tho incredibly without the horrendous repercussions of years past~
One thing I must have~ absolutely must is a firm tho supportive and comfortable mattress or sleeping surface. Trying to sleep on less than supportive whatever can really kick my spine into high spasms mode. Saw my PM yesterday and was hurting ~ got an injection of 60mg of Toradol IM which broke that cycle and what a relief!
Good luck re your trip to Spain and please keep us posted. We all hope for the best for you~and us and everyone else!