re great toe
Will you be having it fused Judy? I had to have all the toes except my great toe on my left foot cut down (hammertoes) and one toe had a tendon prob that sort of started the whole ball of wax. Previously had bunion surgery on that foot. Both surgeries pretty painful and big time gimpy re crutches/gait disturbance/back spasms resulting from all that.
My right foot still has the bunion and all hammertoes as my podiatric surgeon passed away over a year ago at age 47. I really liked him and he did the hammertoe reduction surgery on all toes in his office under local anesthesia while I was sitting up vs. going to a surgery center. I still need the right foot done but do not want to set my back off like that until I absolutely "have to" so continuing to wait.
After bunion surgery on left foot wasn't supposed to bear weight on it for several weeks and since I use my right foot to drive didn't affect that but had to use crutches anyway for a few weeks~ same with hammertoe surgery. With both surgeries wearing shoes didn't happen nearly as quickly as I was told it would. It was months after bunion surgery (big toe) and same for hammertoes. Basically open toe sandels like TEVA or Merrill or something really comfty like that worked when able to start wearing a shoe of sorts again (had to wear TEVAs for about 6 months after bunion surgery).
Have to say that was a heck of a lot of pain I didn't expect re bunion surgery and hammertoe surgery and the crutches and gimpy gait had my back in spasms for weeks afterwards!
Good luck with your toe surgery and hope the recovery will be much easier than mine and not create more spasms/probs for your lumbar spine. What did help my lumbar spine was an injection of Toradol 60mg IM re decreasing spasms. Don't know if you can tolerate this medication or not tho it's very helpful when I have severe lumbar or cervical spasms.
Last edited by Maria; 06-11-2011 at 04:34 AM.